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Ionic App Development Services

On-shore, outsourced Ionic app development services

Outsourced Ionic development services for creating high-performing mobile applications with a single codebase. Efficiently scale your team by engaging reliable, outsourced Ionic developers and consultants with 5+ years of experience.

Why Engage ProDev for Outsourced Ionic App Development

We’re not recruiters. We’re engineers with a unique understanding of the speed, agility, and expertise needed to launch a successful cross-platform mobile application. When you work with us, you gain access to a pool of Ionic consultants and full-stack developers with both specialized knowledge and broad technical experience.

Other reasons to partner with ProDev include:

Our team of on-shore Ionic app developers are located in the United States and Canada, ensuring reliable, hassle-free communication.

Quickly and easily get the right type of staffing you need at each phase of your project. Finished with Ionic front-end development? Swap for a back-end developer instead.

If you’re not completely satisfied with your Ionic developer, or any resource, within the first 40 hours, exchange them for someone else and you won’t pay a dime for the used time.

Get access to more than just Ionic app development talent. We staff for DevOps, Data Engineering, Q/A, Project Management, UI/UX Design, and Business Analyst positions too.

We offer bi-weekly invoicing and postpaid billing for most clients, ensuring pay-as-you-go flexibility. Plus, we include detailed timesheet reports.

We match your pace, but you drive the engagement with the control to order a zero-notice stand-down or termination.

Our Ionic App Development Services

Our full-stack developers and consultants have spearheaded more than a few Ionic application development projects, so we’re confident in their ability to quickly get acclimated and start providing value. Their skill set includes the creation of robust API backends within the Ionic ecosystem, the design of sophisticated data models for efficient data handling, and the implementation of real-time updates using Socket.IO specifically tailored for Ionic-based apps.

Ionic Application Development

Our developers are experts at leveraging Ionic’s component-based structure to create dynamic and responsive mobile applications with a single codebase. They are proficient in using Ionic’s comprehensive SDK, along with associated web technologies for application development.

  • State Management (NgRx, NgXS, Akita, Redux, Vuex)
  • Data Caching/Fetching (Apollo, HttpClient, react-query, swr)
  • Navigation (Ionic Router)
  • Styling Frameworks (Ionic CSS Utilities, Material UI, Tailwind CSS)
  • Form Handling & Validation (Angular Forms, Ionic Inputs, React Hook Form, Formik, VeeValidate)
  • Bundlers & Tooling (Webpack,, ESLint, Prettier, Vite)
  • Testing (Jasmine, Karma, Protractor, Jest, Cypress, React Testing Library)

One of the big benefits of Ionic is that the Ionic provides bindings for several popular frameworks. If needed, we can help guide you through the decision making process around which framework makes sense for your use case.

Angular Ionic Application Development

Leveraging the power of Angular, we help construct Ionic mobile applications that are both robust and scalable. They utilize Angular’s two-way data binding and dependency injection to create interactive designs with superior performance. Angular is a more opinionated framework which can excel for large teams where consistency is valued.

React Ionic Application Development

We use React’s component-based architecture to create Ionic mobile apps that are modular and easy to maintain. We’re experts in React’s data management capabilities and one-way data flow, ensuring efficient data fetching. React is a popular choice for building Ionic applications when flexibility is sought.

Vue Ionic Application Development

We utilize Vue’s simplicity and flexibility to create Ionic applications that are easy to understand and customize. Our team excels in using Vue’s declarative rendering and component logic separation to build fast-loading applications with user-friendly navigations. Vue sits somewhere between Angular and React on the flexibility scale – it’s an excellent choice when you want to use some of the flexible component architectures of React, but are still looking for some established patterns.

How Outsourced Ionic App Development Services Work

Regardless of your current stage in the app development process, we’re equipped to provide the support you need. Whether you need a single developer or the collaborative efforts of an entire team, you can get outsourced Ionic app development services in three flexible ways:

Ionic Staff Augmentation Services

Best when managing the project in-house and combining our resources with internal staff

If you’re looking to strictly hire developers and/or need pre/post-dev support, we designed our Ionic staff augmentation services to make it easy to quickly and reliably expand your team temporarily. We’ll work with your project managers to get you Ionic app development support and any QA, DevOps, or other talent needed to take your project to fruition.


Ionic Software Development Outsourcing

Best if you need project management support in addition to staff augmentation services

You might only have a few if any, internal resources to support your Ionic application development project. When you partner with us for development outsourcing, not only do you get access to a complete software development team, we’ll manage the entire project from start to finish.


Project Ideation and Product Design

Best if you’re not ready for development yet and need some help getting your project started

If you have an idea for an Ionic mobile app, but you need help getting it off the ground, let us support you with product ideation and design services. Once complete, you can take your project and get development launched, or you can get started right away with staff that’s already familiar with your project.


Our 5-Step Process

Regardless of the engagement model you’re interested in, every ProDev partnership follows a 5-Step Process

Request a discovery call and we’ll schedule time to talk through your project, your goals, and your staff augmentation needs.

The Master Services Agreement lays a foundation for the relationship and enables the candidate-screening process – it in no way obligates you to continue nor is there any payment due at this stage.

We will match candidates to your needs and present them to you – or if you like we can just make what we think is the best assignment and proceed.

Once the team is defined, one resource or several, we capture the team details and effort scope in an SOW. This simple and short document attaches to the MSA and we can add SOW’s downstream as needed.

Next up is a kickoff call and then the magic starts to happen. We absolutely do not simply throw bodies over the wall – we stay engaged closely with you as the work proceeds through regular communication and reporting. You get to see and test deliverables as they evolve.

Common Questions About Ionic Development Services

For clients looking to build their application development team over time, we are open to conversion conversations after a resource has been engaged for at least one year.

Good Ionic developers are busy developers, so it might take us up to 1-2 weeks to present candidates; that said, we work in a dynamic landscape and sometimes we can deploy within a few days.

Our Ionic developers remotely tele-commute, but typically they are willing to meet in person to launch an engagement and to participate in periodic on-site reviews.

Yes, our Ionic developers will adopt a schedule friendly to your teams and offices.

In addition to other types of Software Development Services, we can staff UI/UX, Project Management, DevOps, and QA positions.

You’ve Come to the Right Place

Let’s have a conversation about your software consulting and staffing needs today.